As the longest running and most established business numbers, 084 and 087 revenue share numbers are easy for customers to recognise and remember. These revenue share business numbers allow you to make money from calls, thereby offsetting overheads and creating a more efficient system. The price of these calls encourages a professional image and streamlines the enquiry process, so you only receive serious business calls. There are now regulations for 084 and 087 numbers that require the price of calls to be clearly advertised and this should always be considered in a marketing strategy.
There has been a lot of media press and confusion over calling an 084 or 087 number in the past. Ofcom regulations have since applied an unbundled tariff to such numbers – thereby splitting the charge into two parts.
The Access Charge is how much your phone company will charge you per minute for making the call to any 084/087 numbers.
The Service Charge is the charge that is set by the provider of the service e.g. 24 Seven.
Under Ofcom’s policy you will need to state the service charge for any service numbers given in your marketing materials, and make clear that an access charge applies. The Advertising Standards Authority recommend this format:
“Calls cost Xp per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.”
Our Service Charges
O84 Numbers – 7p per minute
087 Numbers – 13p per minute
Please note that all Phone Numbers are subject to a 12 month contract.